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  • Dr.Prof: Good sport!? (2010.03.28. 16:44) Capybara

2010.04.14. 09:57 mandrillpörkölt

Vendée Globe

The Vendée Globe is one of the largest and hardest sailboat race in the world. The Vendée Globe (as its name shows) is an around the world race. In the boat ther is only one man/woman sailing, non-stop, without assistence for the whole race. The races founding father was philippe jeantot. As the only single-handed non-stop round-the-world  the race is a serious test of individual endurance, and is regarded by many as the ultimate in ocean racing.The race starts and finishes in Les Sab   d'Olonne,the Vendée Département of France.


Assistence- segítség, beavatkozás

Edurance- kitartás

Regard- számontartani, utalni



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