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  • Dr.Prof: Good sport!? (2010.03.28. 16:44) Capybara

2010.02.03. 09:54 nyolcpernegysport

Football - first post



You can say football to a few sports.  The  point of football is to kicking a ball to score a goal.

The most popular of these sports is 'association football' or more commonly known as just 'soccer'. Soccer becomes the world's most popular sport. (There are other "footballs" like American football or Canadian football, and these are more aggressive. Although there are a few kind of football, in 95 percent i will write about soccer.) The rules of football called codes.


- Football played by two team, 11-11 players.

- The officials sizes of an area are 100-110, 64-75 metres.

- Goals resulting from players from players kicking the ball into the goal.

- The goal defended by the opposing team's goalkeeper.

- Players can move the ball with any of their body parts except their hands.



Parts of the area:

Endline - the end of the area, 64-75 metres long

Penalty box - 16 metres far from the endline, the goalkeeper can hold the ball in this area

Halfway line - it divites the area in two

Center circle - the match starts here, after every goal the match continuing here

Goal box - 5 metres far from the endline, the goalkeeper kick the goal kick from here

Corner arc - the corner kicked from here

Penalty kick mark - the penalty kicked from here, 11 metres far from the endline




score - pontot (gólt) szerezni

codes - szabályok

official size - hivatalos méret

goal - kapu

goalkeeper - kapus

endline - alapvonal

penalty box - 16-os

halfway line - félpálya vonala

center circle - kezdőkör

goal box - 5-ös

corner arc - szöglet körív

penalty kick mark - 11-es pont


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