
Friss topikok

  • Dr.Prof: Good sport!? (2010.03.28. 16:44) Capybara

2010.05.19. 09:52 dadal


Bouldering is a style of climbing emphasizing power, strength, and dynamics. Its focus is on individual moves or short sequences of moves, unlike traditional climbing or sport climbing, which generally demand more endurance over longer stretches of rock where the difficulty of individual moves is not as great. Boulder routes are commonly referred to as problems, because the nature of the climb is often short, curious, and much like problem solving. Bouldering is more focused on the technique of climbing instead of undertaking a full bodied climb. To reduce the risk of injury from a fall, climbers rarely go higher than 3–5 meters above the ground. Anything over 7 meters is generally considered to be free soloing (or simply 'soloing'), although such climbs might also be termed high-ball bouldering problems. For further protection, climbers typically put a bouldering mat (crash pad) on the ground to break their fall. Lastly, climbers often have one or more spotters, who work to direct the climber's body toward the crash pad during a fall, while protecting the climber's head from hazards.

Emphesizing = Hangsúlyozva
Sequence = Sorozat
Undertaking = Vállalkozás
Considered = Figyelembe vett
Hazard = Veszély

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